Getting dental veneers is a popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry as it offers many benefits for people looking to enhance their smile. Whether you are self-conscious about chips and cracks in your teeth or looking to change their shape, porcelain veneers can quickly help turn your dream into reality. You may wonder, how long do teeth veneers last?

The truth is the lifespan of your veneers depends on a few factors. Read on to learn more.

Lifespan of Veneers

Dental veneers cost is relatively high. They fall into either porcelain, ceramic, or composite resin, and all these types enjoy substantial longevity. But do veneers last forever? 

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers are a great choice to enhance your teeth’s appearance. Porcelain laminate veneers are tooth-shaped, thin shells custom-made out of porcelain and fit directly over your teeth. Since they fit perfectly, they become durable, strong, and more resistant to wear and tear.

Generally, you can expect porcelain veneers to last an average of 10 years. However, nothing is a guarantee and proper oral care habits, routine hygiene appointments, and a protective barrier (nightguard, retainer, etc) are crucial to their longevity. .


composite veneers after 5 years

PORCELAIN IS A CERAMIC VENEER Factors That Affect the Veneer Lifespan

Several factors can determine the lifespan of your veneers, such as:

#1 The State of Your Teeth Before 

The condition and health of your teeth before getting veneers can affect their longevity. If you have underlying dental issues like tooth decay or gum disease, they need to be addressed before getting veneers installed so they can last until their maximum lifespan is reached.

#2 Veneer Materials

The material used for your veneers can also significantly affect their durability and lifespan. Porcelain is a popular choice since it is stain-resistant and closely mimics natural teeth. Composite resin is also an option but is less long-lasting than porcelain which is why Dr. Johnston does not prefer to do them.

#3 Your Dental Hygiene

Practice a good oral hygiene routine, including regular brushing twice daily and flossing once daily. Doing this will help ensure that your veneers last longer and remain in great shape. Maintaining regular dental checkups and cleanings every six months is also a good idea. This allows your dentist to spot and address potential issues before becoming major.

#4 Contact Activities

Certain activities require protection for your mouth, such as contact sports like martial arts or wrestling. Wearing protective gear like mouthguards helps prevent accidental damage from natural and veneered teeth, resulting in untimely repair or replacement.

#5 Tooth Grinding (Bruxism)

Grinding your teeth can be a potentially harmful habit – even more so if you have veneers. The repeated pressure from grinding your teeth can cause the veneers to crack, chip, and loosen them from their secure fit. Wearing a nighttime mouthguard while you sleep protects your veneers from the pressure of bruxism.

#6 Using Your Teeth as Tools

Don’t pull a Hailey Beiber!

Sometimes we’re tempted to use our teeth as tools to open something our hands cannot do, like a beer bottle. Doing this can cause serious damage to dental veneers, which are quite expensive to repair or replace. Instead of your teeth, use bottle openers, knives, or other cutting tools.

#7 Hard and Sticky Foods

Avoiding foods that put a strain on your teeth can prevent long-term wear. This includes nuts, hard candies, ice, and popcorn kernels.

how long do teeth veneers last

Why Would Your Dental Veneers Need Replacing?

There are a few reasons why they would need replacing. These include:

  • Veneers are starting to crack or chip

Over time, veneers can become worn and weakened by regular bites, chewing, and grinding. With enough pressure or when they have reached the end of their estimated lifespan, they may begin to crack or chip.

  • Veneers are becoming stained and discolored

Veneers can become dull and more yellow from teeth-staining foods and drinks. They can also become discolored from smoking, drinking too much wine or coffee, or other lifestyle habits that cause tooth discoloration.

  • Damage from decay or trauma

If you have an accident that affects the veneer area, such as a fall, or if tooth decay occurs underneath the veneer, it may need to be replaced. Otherwise, the decay could spread to other teeth.

  • Veneers shifting out of position

As you age, your gums can recede, and the underlying bone may shrink, leading to veneer movement. This can occur even if you practice good oral hygiene habits and see a dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. A retainer or night guard are recommended at the end of treatment to prevent anything from shifting.

  • Allergies or sensitivity to the material

While it’s rare, it’s not uncommon to experience allergic reactions to some dental materials used in the treatment. For example, the cement used to attach the veneers or the composite material itself may cause an allergic reaction. If this happens, you may need to replace your veneers with a different material.

  • Changing your desired look

Sometimes people opt for replacement because they want a new and improved appearance that didn’t exist before they got their first set of veneers. Perhaps they want to achieve a different size, shape, or color.

  • Loss of adhesion

As mentioned, veneers are held in place with a special dental adhesive, but if the adhesive begins to degrade, it can cause the veneer to come off or lose. This will require the replacement of both the veneer and the adhesive.

  • Improper fit

If your dentist did not properly shape and fit the veneer to your tooth, it might need to be replaced. It’s because an ill-fitting veneer can cause further damage to the adjacent teeth, gums, and even the jawbone.

veneers after 10 years

How Long Does It Take to Get Veneers?

It takes 2 to 3 dental visits to get dental veneers, usually three weeks apart. The first step is an initial consultation, during which your dentist will take images and x-rays to evaluate the health of your teeth and gums. During this appointment, you can also discuss with your dentist your goals. 

At the first appointment, the consultation, here’s what you can expect:

  • Your dentist will take images and x-rays to evaluate the health of your teeth and gums.
  • You and your dentist will discuss with your goals and desired appearance of your new smile. 
  • The dentist will take some records which include an impression or scan of your mouth and some photos to share with the laboratory. These materials will be used to create a custom made wax-up of your desired final smile. 
  • A custom wax-up is similar to a blueprint for where the final treatment will go. It is used to fabricate your temporary veneers and is a way of you having a trial smile. 

On the day of your procedure, here’s what you can expect:

  • Your dentist will inject local anesthesia to numb the area. The dentist will trim off a small amount of tooth enamel from each tooth that needs to be veneered. This is done to make room for the shell to fit properly and look natural.
  • Then, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them off to the dental laboratory, where they will custom-make your veneers (usually takes about three to four weeks). You will leave this appointment wearing temporary veneers that match the custom made wax-up. 

On your follow-up appointment, here’s what you can expect: 

  • Your dentist will check the fit and color of the veneers before attaching them permanently with dental cement. 
  • The dentist will take a scan to create you a night guard or retainer to protect your investment.
  • Once they’re in place, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy-looking smile.

Final Thoughts

Many factors affect how long veneers last. . If you are considering getting this dental treatment, a consultation with a well-trained dentist is recommended so that you can be educated on your options and what can be achieved.  Porcelain veneers are a popular choice as they provide a long-lasting and natural-looking smile. Why not investigate?!

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