What is a dental crown? When might I need one?
A dental crown is a permanent tooth-shaped prosthetic that sits on top of your natural tooth — they’re also known as “caps.” Because it looks and acts just like a natural tooth, the dental crown helps to restore your smile by correcting the appearance and strength of the damaged tooth.
Porcelain crowns are often recommended to cover or protect teeth that have had root canals, have fractured or worn down significantly due to grinding or injury, are severely misshapen or discolored, or have very large fillings with little of the original tooth remaining.
A traditional crown will cover your entire tooth above the gum line, but if there are healthy portions of the tooth that may be maintained, Dr. Johnston might recommend an onlay, inlay or porcelain veneers instead. Although dental crowns can be made of many different materials, all-porcelain crowns often provide the most natural look, even on highly visible front teeth.